Land 38.0%
Non-land 62.0%
Burning-Tree Emissary
Llanowar Elves
Pelt Collector
Gruul Spellbreaker
Zhur-Taa Goblin
Bonecrusher Giant
Questing Beast
Anax, Hardened in the Forge
Gallia of the Endless Dance
Domri's Ambush
Rootbound Crag
Stomping Ground


MTG Arena deck tracker, draft helper, collection summary, deck statistics, and metagame analytics. The most feature-complete MTG Arena extension out there. Level up your digital Magic experience with the MTGA Assistant deck tracker.

Ten reasons you need a deck tracker
Hello Good Game gives you ten reasons to use a deck tracker while you are playing MTG Arena.
I let AI draft and build a deck for me
The Limited AI ratings is a great tool to help you during drafts. But MTGJeff went all out and followed them blindly...
Improving Your Magic with MTGA Assistant
In Magic, all decisions matter. Amazonian explains how the MTGA Assistant helps you improve your game.
DeckBuilding & Sideboarding with a deck tracker
Watch ThyrixSyx play through a game leveraging the utility of an MTG Arena helper.

The most feature complete MTGA extension

Download MTGA Assistant
Deck Tracker
Deck Tracker
Draft Helper
AI Draft Helper
Collection Summary
Collection Summary
Compete in Ladders
Ranked Ladder
Set Collection Summary
Set Summary
Deck Statistics
Deck Statistics
Metagame Advisor
Metagame Advisor
Game Summary
Game Summary
Draft Log
Draft Logs
Mass Crafting
Crafting Tool
MTG Articles
Latest Articles
Deck Advisor
Deck Advisor
Twitch Streamers
Live Content Creators
Deck Colors
Deck Color Stats
Youtube Videos
Latest Youtube videos

Everything you need in one Extension

Install now

Twitch Extension

MTGA Assistant is available as an installable Twitch Extension. It embeds an invisible layer on your streaming window and appears when a viewer hovers it. The extension pulls data from your installed Assistant app, which reads decklists from MTG Arena as you play them.

Join our Twitch Ambassador program to get even more value, click here to learn more.

  • - Share MTG Arena decks
    • Pulls your currently played deck from MTG Arena and shares it with viewers.
  • - Exportable decklists
    • Users can copy decklists with a click of a button.
  • - Non-intrusive design
    • Design that fits the game and does not intrude. Displays details if viewers hover cards.
  • - Focus on gaming
    • No manual work is required. We handle your deck information so you can concentrate on your stream.
  • - Hide and Show button
    • Sleek design that is only displayed when users hover over your stream.
  • - Easy setups
    • Install MTGA Assistant and Twitch Extension. Sync your AetherHub account and add the Twitch key, and you are ready.
  • - Left or Right alignment
    • Decklists can be popped in from the left or right as streaming layouts varies.
MTGA Assistant Twitch Extension
Powered by

MTGA Assistant

  • - Deck tracker
    • Know what cards are left in the library and the chance to draw them.
  • - Draft helper
    • Ratings and comments help you pick the right cards.
  • - Collection Summary
    • Track your total collection progress, sorted by color, rarity, and set.
  • - Seasonal ranking ladders
    • Ranking ladder, compete with your team to take the top.
  • - Metagame
    • Decklists, writeups, deck guides and videos from Content Creators.
  • - Compare decks
    • Compare decklists to your collection, displays missing cards.
  • - Automatic updates
    • Updates are pushed automatically.
Profile Image

In some of the streams I watch, all they talk about are odds and percentages about the correct line of play. I'm not a numbers guy. I like to play unorthodox. MTGA Assistant runs all the numbers for me and my viewers so I can play how I want without doing any math. I love it!

GuanoMaestro, content creator

Profile Image

MTGA Assistant is in my opinion the best extension available. The only tracker to include deck videos & write-ups from content creators! Aetherhub is always updating MTGA Assistant with the latest features, making sure its always a step ahead of the competition. Just like you will be once you include the Assistant into your Magic The Gathering Arena routine.

HelloGoodGame, content creator

Join the Ambassador program

The MTGA Assistant Twitch Ambassador program creates value for content creators by promoting their live streams on our AetherHub and MTGA Assistant websites and apps. More eyes on your stream every time you go live. The automatic sponsoring system embeds live streams on and frontpages, in addition to the MTGA Assistant app.

It is an open program that everyone with a Twitch channel can join. Get more eyes on your stream as you go live. Learn more about the program on how to get started below.

AetherHub Content Creator Program

The AetherHub Content Creator program gives you more visibility on the AetherHub website, and you have access to posting your MTG videos to the front page and MTGA Assistant app.

  • Free for Twitch Partners and Youtube channels with 500 subs. Fill out this form
  • Content Creator on your profile
  • Access to posting any of your Youtube MTG related Videos on the site. These will show up on the frontpage
  • Deck Videos from Content creators shows up on front page and in our MTGA extension!
  • Deck folders: get five deck folder for sorting decks
  • See who follows you
  • All content you post will have additional visibility on Aetherhub
  • Earn revenue on card sales as a TCGplayer affiliate
AetherHub Creator

More than a deck tracker

MTGA Assistant aims to be far more than just a deck and draft helper; it is a symbol of Aetherhub’s vision of expanding upon the game, merging tools, metagame, and community with the game we love.

The assistant expands on the game, serving you metagame information, content creator videos, deck guides and writeups inside of the game. It is quick and easy to compare your collection with any meta or user deck on the website. Use the built-in Deck Hub Search tool to explore AetherHub decks, see a summary of your ranked seasons, study your earlier drafts and go through each of the picks. Or view your card collection by set to see what cards you are missing.

Working with OverWolf

The creators of have joined forces with the Overwolf Team to provide you with an MTG Arena extension that serves all your Arena needs, from deck tracking, draft helper to collection summary and metagame information. We also have many features planned for future releases and all updates within the client happen automatically!

Working with Overwolf enables us to have powerful In-game overlay capabilities and at the same time develop in-game apps using web developement tools without the need to master C++. They help us monetize our app so that we can focus on building the best app for MTG Arena.

Powered by - Your Hub for everything Magic

MTGA Assistant is powered by For any questions or feedback on the assistant contact us on Discord or via the AetherHub support page below. If you need help with Overwolf, contact them on their support page.